I am a final-year PhD student at Faculty of Law, Cambridge. My primary research interests include international taxation, comparative income tax law and history of income tax law. My PhD research investigates whether and to what extent bilateral income tax treaties concluded between low-income countries and G20 member countries restrict taxing rights of the former. My teaching extends beyond tax law. At Cambridge, in addition to tax law, I have also taught law of contract and land law. I have been a co-convener of Cambridge Tax Discussion Group since 2022. I am a Managing Editor of Cambridge International Law Journal and was formerly a Senior Editor of Cambridge Law Review. Prior to academia, I spent over six years in industry as a tax adviser, primarily in London. Before Cambridge, I read tax law at Oxford and Fordham, and economics in China.
Outside academia, I have not completely given up (yet) on a few childhood ambitions—to become a poet, an astronomer and an inventor. But these seem increasingly unrealistic and will probably have to be pursued in the amateur realm.